
You want to support the GRK?

Klick here to learn how you can support the GRK as an volunteer.

GRK Projects & Initiatives

You are looking for peers to have in-depth discussion about physical, mathematical or computational topics? You have an idea for a group meeting, e.g., a philosophical seminar for physicists?  You would like to raise awareness on a special topic?  Or would you like to meet PhD students on a regular basis to discuss certain topics apart from physics?

One of the core part of the Graduate Research Training Group is to represent the interests of the PhD candidates at the Institute of Physics.

We give space to your ideas, help advertising and setting goals for your topic. Our task is to bring your interests, criticism and ideas to faculty and to GRK board members.

Engage within the GRK

If would like to contribute or participate in the GRK, you can always do so! Join our Thursday Doctoral Seminar by giving a presentation or listen in, or simply drop by for a cup of coffee and some  socializing with your peers!

If you would like to invite a speaker to give presentation simply contact the speaker team or enter your name directly into our scheduling tool, we have funds for inviting speakers  and covering their travel and accommodation costs.

Do you love organizing? Then join the organizational side of the GRK!
This is a great opportunity to get some experience in that direction. We do organize a yearly retreat, where all GRK members are invited to a remote area for a couple of days to attend workshops, give presentations and get to know each other in a more informal atmosphere. If you would like to help with the organization or have ideas or wishes, simply contact the speaker team.

Do you have questions regarding the certificate we issue for all your teaching duties to show to your future employers, contact the speaker team.

If you are concerned about teaching and have ideas about how to improve the way teaching is done, or simply a complaint you can either contact the speaker team or write to our anonymous suggestion box.

You think mental health in academia is an underrepresented issue and you would like to help changing that? Contact Milena (milena.goedecke[at]uni-rostock.de) or Tim (tim.voelzer[at]uni-rostock.de) from the mental health initiative.


Groups at the Institute for Physics

Student-led groups at the Institute for Physics

There are several different groups with the common goal to increase the quality of study-experience at our institute. These groups offer several events per year and are always looking for new students to engage.

To increase the visiblity, the powerpoint slide below is shown in a few mandatory courses of the physics curriculum before semester break. If you are currently giving a seminar or a lecture, please consider the slide below to show to your students.


Connect with Peers and Alumni

ResearchGate Project

Many scientists use ResearchGate to showcase their results and papers, so do we. In our ResearchGate project "GRK & Alumni at the Institute for Physics, University of Rostock" members are encouraged to reference their papers. For example, after they have presented their publication in the doctoral seminar. This way, everyone can follow up and use the work that was presented in the seminar. For access, please contact the spokespersons of the GRK.

LinkedIn Group

All members of the GRK are welcome to join the LinkedIn group of the Alumni Verein e.V. to keep in touch with people that graduated from the Institute for Physics. Use these contacts to share career experiences or to invite alumnis to give a talk in one of the career mentoring events.