Suggestion box

If you have the feeling that something is going terribly wrong and don't know what to do next, you can ask us for support here.

If you want to receive a specific answer, we need your name and email address.

If it is a general problem or you would like to remain anonymous for another reason, that is also possible.
Therefore, leave the email address and describe your problem without drawing any conclusions about yourself. You do not have to enter a name (if you wish, you can choose a pseudonym).
Important: The e-mail field is mandatory! If you enter an invalid e-mail address, the webmaster will receive a copy of your e-mail for classification and forwarding! You can prevent this by leaving the submitted e-mail address unchanged.

All data will be treated confidentially. Only the speaker team of the GRK have access to your message. Your message will not be published in full or in part at any time.

    Write a message to us.

    Fields marked with * are mandatory and must be filled in the form to be sent successfully.